† ‰  `.û¼"System-û ¼"SystemEâgl¼ù<‰¯aŒˆ‰-ðû¼"System--ðûíÿ¼@Times New Roman---ûíÿ¼@Times New Roman---ûðÿ@Times New Roman------------ 12 x`cDe Valera interview with      --- (2 x0cWestminster Gazette  ---  2 xÍc  --------- 52 ”`cIntroduction from Chronology       ---  2 ”Sc  ûíÿ@Times New Roman--- n2 °`BcDe Valera gives an interview to the New York correspondent of the                  ûíÿ@Times New Roman--------------- (2 Å`cWestminster Gazette  ---  2 Åúc  U2 Åÿ1cin which he says that Ireland was ready to offer              ƒ2 Û`Pcinternational guarantees to England that Ireland would not be used as a base to                       "2 ð`cattack England       2 ðÕc–   2 ðßc  a2 ðä9che compared such a guarantee with the Platt Amendment to                  ƒ2 `Pcthe Cuban Settlement. (A form of the Monroe Doctrine.) This leads to conflict                 ûñÿ@"Calibri---------  2 `cwith the Irish     2 Éc- 2 ÏcAmerica  M2 ,cn community and to disquiet back in Ireland.            ---  2 rc  --------- 2 7` cMore Detail  ---  2 7¾c  --- 2 T`McThis statement by de Valera brought into the open simmering conflict between                    S2 i`0cde Valera and a number of Irish American leaders            52 iæc, in particular, John Devoy         ;2 ~` cand Judge Coholan, who say that        O2 ~b-cde Valera was preparing to retreat from full             M2 ”`,cindependence. De Valera says that he was mis            2 ”¿c- 82 ”Åcquoted and Devoy says that he         …2 ©`Qcwas offering constructive criticism but, by that time, positions had been taken.                   2 ©¿c   \2 Æ`6cProbably, more importantly, it would seem that de Vale             /2 Æcra did not consult with          ‰2 Û`Tchis colleagues (in Ireland or in the States) before making his statement. This led                     t2 ð`Fcthe Devoy/Colohan faction to believe that de Valera was impulsive and                    _2 `8cheadstrong and that he did not listen to his colleagues.                2  c   +2 "`cThe statement also ar       ^2 " 7couses controversy in Ireland. Griffith does put out a            --------- a2 7`9cstatement in support saying that what was written in the             --- (2 7 cWestminster Gazette  ---  2 7ºc   †2 M`Rc“reaffirmed Mr de Valera’s assertion that Ireland was willing to accept a British                    J2 b`*cMonroe Doctrine if she was granted full in            @2 b¡#cdependence”. De Valera dispatches           }2 x`LcPat McCartan back to Dublin to explain his position to the cabinet. See Feb                       2 x™c- 2 xŸc17   2 x³c- ------ 2 `c20/2.  ---  2 c  --- z2 ©`JcAlso, on this day, de Valera gives a speech in Worcester, Massacheutes in                      e2 ¿`<cwhich he outlines the moral basis for the recognition of the                2 ¿c  )2 ¿#cRepublic of Ireland      z2 Ô`Jcas (1) that the people of every nation have a right to choose the form of                     †2 ê`Rcgovernment under which they should live; (2) Ireland is a nation and (3) that the                      V2 ÿ`2cpeople of Ireland had determined their government.              2 ÿôc    2 `c  --- cÁ2 8`cBack  ---  2 8ˆc ûíÿ@Times New Roman---ücÁ- @ !ð(:`üÿÿÿ- ð ---  2 Q`c  û¼"Arial--ccbbaa