Abduction of Mary Lindsay

Introduction from Chronology

Mary Lindsay and her chauffeur, James Clarke, are abducted from her house by men from the 6th Battalion, Cork No. 1 Brigade for her role in the Dripsey ambush – See Jan-28-21/4.

More Detail

The men taking part in the abduction are Jackie O'Leary, Frank Busteed; Paddy Collins, Humphrey Kelleher and Mossy Hinchion.  Jackie O'Leary tells her that she is charged with being a spy (for informing the Crown Forces about the Dripsey ambush) and that she is being taken prisoner.  She is taken to Rylane.  She is asked to write to General Strickland in Victoria Barracks, Cork to ask for clemency for the IRA five men convicted of taking part in the Dripsey ambush who are awaiting sentence.  She refuses at first but eventually does so.
