Escape from Kilmainham

Introduction from Chronology

Frank Teeling (captured on Bloody Sunday and sentenced to hang); Ernie O'Malley and Simon Donnelly escape from Kilmainham Jail.  A bolt cutter had been smuggled in by a soldier

More Detail

O’Malley gives a detailed description of the escape.  It is clear from his description that Paddy Moran, who (along with Teeling) was also charged with involvement in Bloody Sunday, was in on the escape plan from the beginning.  O’Malley says that Moran refused to join the break-out as he did not want to let down the witnesses that had given evidence for him.  Donnelly says that Moran told him that he had an alibi and thought he would get off.  Carey says it is not that clear why Moran was replaced by Donnelly.  

Moran was subsequently hung.  (According to O’Daly, Moran had led the group who killed two men in the Gresham hotel on Bloody Sunday morning but had been charged with leading another group on that morning – see Feb-15-21/1.) 

Macready was furious at the escape.
