`."System- "Systemgl`-"System--@Times New Roman--- D2 x`&cBritish Army Prepares for Mass Arrests         2 xc  @Times New Roman--- 52 `cIntroduction from Chronology         2 Sc  @Times New Roman--- 2 `McThe GHQ of the British Army in Ireland issues instructions to its Divisional                 t2 `FcCommanders to prepare lists of the commanders, officers and prominent                 +2 `cmembers of the IRA.       2 c  --- 2 ` cMore Detail    2 c  --- w2 `HcWarrants for the arrest of these men were to be obtained from the Chief                    2 )`OcSecretary and the arrests carried out by the Competent Military Authority (who                      v2 >`Gcwere the O/Cs of the BA Divisions and designated brigade commanders). A                2 >cll   2 T`Octhe people arrested were to be interned and deported to England (under Defence                      q2 i`Dcof the Realm Act, Regulation 14b) unless evidence of an offence was                    2 ~`Ncdiscovered (in which case they were to handed over to the civil power). These                   @Times New Roman------------------------ 52 `carrests were to be synchroni       M2 9,csed across divisions and the night of the 23             --- 2 crd--- 2 c/24 --- 2 cth---  2 c  @"Calibri--------- j2 `?cJanuary was when they were to be carried out. However, see Jan                 2 ac- 2 gc21   2 {c- 2 c20/2  ---  2 c  --- }2 `LcThe BAs Competent Military authorities were also given the power to search                     X2 `3cindividuals and buildings for arms, explosives and               52 cseditious literature at any         2 `Nctime of the day or night. These instructions said that the greatest care and                     a2 `9cconsideration, during these raids, should be given to law                   2 c- &2 !cabiding citizens,      z2 `Jcwomen and children. (Kautt speculates One wonders how considerate armed                     2 1`Ncmen can be when holding people at gunpoint in the middle of the night, having                        @Times New Roman--------- d2 F`;cturned them out of their homes in order to search [them].)               ---  2 F.c  ---  2 _`c  --- 2 `cBack    2 c @Times New Roman---- @ !*`-  ---  2 `c  "Arial--ccbbaa