`."System- "Systemgla-"System--@Times New Roman---@Times New Roman--------- #2 q`cLocal Elections     22 qcfor City and Town councils      ---  2 qc  @Times New Roman--- 52 `cIntroduction from Chronology         2 Sc  @Times New Roman--- 2 `cLocal    2 c  (2 celections for city     X2 3cand town councils. Out of the 206 councils elected           ------ 2 `cthrough    2 c- L2 +cout Ireland, 172 had Republican majorities.         ---  2 c  --------- 2 ` cMore Detail  ---  2 c  --- 2 '`QcBritish government had brought in proportional representation (for Ireland only)                      e2 <`<cin the hope it would dilute support for Sinn Fin and boost                 &2 <1csupport for other       2 R`cparties   2 Rc   2 Rc  n2 RBcit did to some extent (compared to the December 1918 election) as                  }2 g`Lcshown by the following overall results: There were some 1,816 seats up for                   @"Calibri------------ 2 ~` celection    2 ~c-  2 ~c  2 ~cSinn F   ---  2 ~c --- b2 ~:cin won 550 seats, Labour 394, Unionists 355, Nationalists              2 ` c238, Indep    q2 Dcendents 161 and municipal reformers 108. First preference vote was                &2 `ccloser; Sinn Fin        2 c   2 c  &2 c87,311; Unionists      2 |c   2 c  +2 c85,932; Nationalists      2 %c   2 /c  "2 2c47,102; Labour     2 c   2 c   /2 `c57,623 and Independents         2 &c   2 0c  R2 5/c44,273. However, because Labour was mostly in             @2 `#cpartnership with Sinn Fin, they ca             =2 v!cme to dominate most councils and         2 `Occorporations. Nine out of eleven corporations were in SF/Labour hands as were                   --- 52 `c62 out of 99 urban councils.       ---  2 >c  --- 2 '`NcAlso, Sinn Fin had a more resounding victory in the local elections held for                        C2 =`%ccounty councils in June 1920 (when th          C2 =%ce electorate was three times larger)         2 =c   2 =c  2 =csee  --- 2 R`cJun   2 R|c- 2 Rc12   2 Rc- 2 Rc20/1.    2 Rc   2 Rc ---  2 Rc  --- 2 z`NcIn the north of Ireland, while the Unionists retained control of 24 townships                        2 `Nc(while the Nationalists and Sinn Fin won control of 21 townships), Sinn Fin                         J2 `*cwins control of 10 out of 12 cities (only            2  cDerry City      2 c   2 c  ,2 cwhere they held power         ,2 `cwith the nationalists       2 c-  2 c  \2  6cand Belfast held by the Unionists) not in their hands.              2 c   2 c   b2 `:cFor the first time, nationalists hold power in Derry City             2 c   2 c  +2 c21 seats (made up 11       b2 `:cNationalist & 10 Sinn Fin) as opposed to 19 for the union                 2 2cists.  2 Rc   2 Wc  2 \cHugh C.     2 `OcODoherty is elected mayor of Londonderry Corporation. (The first Catholic to                 2 #`Rcbe mayor of Derry since 1688.) In Belfast, the unionists won 37 of the 60 seats,                    2 9`Ncthe Nationalist and Sinn Fin won five seats each and 12 or 13 seats were won                      2 N`cby   2 Ntc  2 Ny cLabour.   2 Nc   2 v`McIn Ulster, the Unionists got 52.6%, Labour got 20.9%, Nationalists got 14.9%                   12 `cand Sinn Fin got 8.9%.         """V2 2cMitchell notes that if Unionism was shown not to            """2 cbe   """2 `Scmonolithic in the six counties of Ulster, the Sinn Fin poll indicated that over a                      """2 `ctwo  """ 2 ~c- """2 cyear p    """p2 Cceriod the party had failed to make any substantial progress there                   """52 `c(Mitchell (1995), pg 124).       2 5c   2 :c  "Arial--ccbbaa