`."System- "System gll-"System--@Times New Roman--- /2 q`cThe Roddy's Bar Killings      2 q1c  @Times New Roman--- 52 `cIntroduction from Chronology         2 Sc  @Times New Roman--- +2 `cThree members of the     _2 8cRIC Reserve Force are shot in their beds in the Railway                 }2 `LcView Hotel, Townhall St., Belfast resulting in the deaths of two (Constable                    z2 `JcThomas Heffron and Constable Michael Quinn) and the wounding of the third                   .2 `c(Constable Gilmartin).       2 c   22 *`cSome hours later a Catholi       X2 **3cc (Michael McGarvey or Garvey) is shot dead in his               @Times New Roman------ "2 ?`cbed in Bray St.      ---  2 ?c  --------- 2 g` cMore Detail   ---  2 gc  --- 2 `McParkinson says that the RIC men were staying at the Central Railway Hotel at                       J2 `*cthe corner of Townhall St. and Oxford St.               2 c   2 c  72 cknown locally as Roddys Bar          2 c   2 c   /2 `cand notes that it showed       2 c  ^2 7cthe IRAs capacity for accurate intelligence gathering.                2 c   2 c   2 c   n2 `BcThe five man IRA team included Seamus Woods, Rodger McCorley, Joe                  "2 `cMurray and Leo       2 cMurphy.    2 "c   2 %c  S2 *0cThe three RIC Reserve members had been attached                b2 `:cto the Phoenix Park depot and Constable Gilmartin was due                  )2 (cto give evidence in          2 #`Ncthe trial of an IRA man (Michael Gray) accused of killing an RIC man in Sligo                        )2 8`c(Sgt Patrick Fallon        2 8c   2 8c  2 8csee Nov   2 8?c- 2 8Ec03   2 8Yc- 2 8_ c20/2). The    2 8cunionist    2 8c  12 8cpress quickly vented its         /2 N`cfury at these killings.         2 N c   \2 v`6cA few hours later, a Catholic shop assistant, Michael           /2 vcMcGarvey or Garvey, was           \2 `6cshot dead in his bed in Bray St., of the Crumlin Road.                   2 c   2  c  (2 cThe woman in whose       z2 `Jchouse McGarvey was a lodger recalled the leisurely departure of his three                    2 `ckillers   2 c   2 c  s2 Ecthey stood outside her house chatting to a small group of men before                     2 `cdepa   P2 .crting in a car. It was rumoured that senior             2 cRIC    2 c  72 cofficers (including District      2 `McInspector John Nixon, District Inspector Richard Harrison and Head Constable                    G2 `(cPakenham) were involved in this killing           2 c-  2 c   2 c  >2 "cthey had shot him under the wrong           )2 `cimpression that he w     Y2 4cas another McGarvey, a barman who worked in Roddys                --- 2 "`OcHotel, who they suspected of complicity in the shooting of the three RIC men.                      ---  2 "c  --- 2 J`cBack    2 Jc @Times New Roman---- @ !*L`- "Arial--ccbbaa