L   `."System- "SystemiglUF-"System--@Times New Roman--- 2 x` cAttempt to     2 xcS  F2 x'cpring Sean MacEoin from Mountjoy Prison              2 x0c  @Times New Roman--- 52 `cIntroduction from Chronology         2 Sc  @Times New Roman--- 2 `cThe  y2 IcIRA attempt to rescue of Sean MacEoin from Mountjoy Jail but it does not                    ---@Times New Roman--------- 2 `csucceed  ---  2 c.  2 c ---  2 c  --- 2 ` cMore Detail    2 c  --- 2 ` cAn IRA team     e2 <ccomprising Tom Keogh, Bill Stapleton, Patrick Lawson, Paddy                 |2 `KcMcCaffrey and Pat McCrea capture a British armoured car (after scouting by                      2 )`NcCharlie Dalton) at an abattoir in Aughrim St. in Dublin. During this capture                    L2 >`+cPrivate George Saggers of the BAs RASC is           2 > cshot dead.     2 >c   w2 Z`HcThey drive the armoured car to the North Circular Rd where they pick up                         h2 p`>cEmmet Dalton and Pat Leonard who were dressed in British Army                 2 ` cuniforms.    2 c   2 c  g2 =cThey drive into Mountjoy Jail with a written Order to remove                 2 `cMacEoin.     2 c   2 c  72 cHowever, MacEoin was not in t         :2 che Governor Munroe's office as         2 `cplanned.     2 c   2 c  s2 EcA sentry seen some civilians, who were part of the IRA rescue party,                 |2 `Kcrush the front gate and shot at them so the rescue party withdrew with one                    72 `ccasualty on the British side.          2 ;c   2 @c   2 Ec   2 ` cThe rescue    2 c  2 cattempt    2 c  2 cwas   \2 6corganised by Michael Collins and the rescue party was              --- )2 `cled by Paddy O'Daly.     ---  2  c  --- 2 5`cBack    2 5c @Times New Roman---- @ !*7`- "Arial--ccbbaa