The Pact Election - Comment

Hopkinson argues that the election "demonstrated a popular … acceptance of realistic compromise in Anglo-Irish relations.  … [and] that social and economic issues and, more particularly, the desire for settled government were of greater import to [the electorate] than the endless debate over constitutional symbols and authority" (Hopkinson (1988), pg 111).  Macardle argues that, if the election is seen as not on the Treaty but for or against government by a Coalition, then there is a clear mandate for the Coalition.  She goes on to say that “Daily, De Valera expected a request from Michael Collins to forward the names selected by his Part for the Coalition Cabinet.  No such request came.”  However, Curran disputes this argument saying that “Whatever they might say later, Republicans in 1922 were in no doubt about their defeat in the polls.  De Valera conceded defeat before the final returns were counted, blaming it on Britain’s threat of war”
