De Valera and Anti-Treaty Policy

Introduction from Chronology

Writing to anti-Treaty TD Charles Murphy, de Valera outlines the three options he saw with regard to setting up governance of the anti-Treaty side: (1) ‘The Republican Party … take control, acting as legitimate Dáil’;  (2) ‘The Army Executive take control and assume responsibility’ and (3) ‘A Joint Committee be formed to decide policy for both’. 

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De Valera thought the first option to be the constitutionally correct but could not see getting ‘from the Army that unconditional allegiance without which our Government would be a farce’.  He went on to say “Even if we had the allegiance we have not the military strength to make our will effective; and we cannot, as in the time of the war with the British, point to authority derived from the vote of the majority of the people – We will be turned down definitely by the electorate in a few months’ time in any case”.  He rejected a joint executive and concluded that the only practicable policy was for the Army Executive to publicly accept all responsibility (as this would answer pro-Treaty propaganda that Republican politicians were behind the military resistance).  He went on to say “Rory O’Connor’s unfortunate repudiation of the Dáil, which I was so foolish to defend even to a straining of my own views in order to avoid the appearance of a split, is now the greatest barrier that we have.
